Past Activities: Christmas Market in Münster

Last December, we made sure to keep warm and enjoy each other’s company through our regularly organised drinks, such as the SMOTMD and the After-plenary Drink. There was also a great opportunity to get to know potential future Honours students at the After Mini-lecture Drink, where we enjoyed fun conversations, hot chocolate, and glühwein with the students who joined the Mini-lectures!

And the most fun: Our Trip to Münster!

Last December 16, 2023, Ockham travelled to browse the Christmas Market in Münster! There were 17 students in total, which made for a very fun group to host a competition with: Who can find the cheapest glühwein? 

More than glühwein, of course, the market had lots to offer - from sausages to Hungarian desserts to leather trinkets and wooden knick-knacks - there were plenty of unique stalls to explore. In one of the markets, there was a fun carousel (for children), and in another there were gorgeously sculpted wax candles. The entire city glowed softly with golden lights as you walked through the streets, the air was fresh and crisp that evening, though cold, and the crowd simply guided you to popular places and hidden treasures.

Suffice it to say, the Ockham trip to Münster was a success! Maybe even the closest to a Christmas Miracle we could make…


Hammy on Holidays - Christmas 2023


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